2009年4月25日 星期六

English learning-88

Listening Power

recession-proof (a) 可以抗經濟蕭條的;不受景氣影響的

-proof跟其它字結合,就有「防止」之意;其它常出現的造字有water-proof(防水); bullet-proof(防彈); idiot-proof(防呆)

A: It’s insane! Do you see all those people there, fighting to get the limited edition?
B: Yeah, I guess luxury is recession-proof.
A: 真是瘋了!你看到那堆要搶購限量版的人了嗎?
B: 恩,奢侈品大概不受景氣影響吧。

fly off the shelves (verb phr) 銷售極佳

iPods continue to fly off the shelves as Apple keeps coming up with successful advertising campaigns and marketing strategies.
C:That's the way how they keep earning money from customers! Some people just get crazy for those famous brand and will buy the newest one even the old one isn't broken. I strongly condemn those companies and please do something for our future!

steamy (a) 水氣的;煽情的

這裡主持人使用steamy story有一語雙關的作用;story這裡指的一方面是這個新聞報導news story;另一方面也是指報導中的浪漫愛情故事 (romance novels/romance stories)。

These steamy bed scenes on prime time TV have angered many parents; as a result, the TV station is flooded with protest calls.
C: That's also another way to poison our young generation--overwhelmed by steamy scenes/words.

boost (n) 提升,增加

The lowering of interest rates, may experts believe, would give a great boost to the house market.

economic stimulus package (n phr) 刺激經濟方案

With fears of a deepening recession, legislators consider a large, new economic stimulus package.

a tall tale (n phr) 誇張的故事

Tom told me a tall tale about how he met his current girlfriend in a trip to Sun Moon Lake.
C:Suddenly feel that there're many tall tales in my life~

bodice (n) 女子的上衣

bodice-ripper這個詞本身就是指「充滿情愛場景的故事」或「言情小說」,因為在此類小說裡,男女主角常常「脫去衣物」的情愛場面是一大賣點;這裡故意使用一語雙關(pun),"to rip the bodice of the literary competition",意指情愛小說已經征服了這書籍市場,脫去了書籍市場的上衣。

She looks amazing in that low-cut bodice which reveals her excellent figure.
C: I don't think that's my style. But sometimes those apparels really look attrative!

happy-ever-after (a) 從此後無憂無慮的

童話故事裡常用的表達是動詞的片語結構“live happily ever after”,指的是王子與公主從此過著無憂無慮快樂的生活

A: How old are you, my dear? Do you still live your life in a world where the prince and the princess live happily ever after?
B: Come on. I am just thirty. I am still legitimately young to believe in true love.
A: 親愛的,你都幾歲了?你怎麼好像還相信王子跟公主從此會過著幸福快樂的日子?
B: 拜託,我也才三十而已。我這年紀還相信真愛,還很OK好嗎?

spike (a) 突然的成長;高峰

This online game company expects to see a spike in sales after launching a series of controversial TV commercials that are criticized as objectifying women.
C:Never mind~Anyway our society and culture are already polluted by western hegemonies.

Expressions in the news

It turns out in tough times people aren’t just looking for a boost with the economic stimulus package; they are also looking to be stimulated by something else—tall tales of lusty love.

At Barnes and Noble, while overall sales are down, romance novels sales are up.
Barnes and Noble(書商)整體銷售量都下滑,只有浪漫愛情故事異軍突起。

It is something that makes you feel good.

People are looking for the hope. They look for the comfort and security, knowing that there’s a better place and a better time.

And for now, people can take a piece of that instantly.

And every time you walk in the room, I hear that kind of music.


本標題仿照馬奎斯(García Márquez)「愛在瘟疫蔓延時」 (Love in the Time of Cholera) 書名而來。

