2009年5月10日 星期日

To be a nice guest


(1)Sometimes guests have the privilege of staying in a friend's home. During their stay, house guests should be considerate of their hosts. They should try to fit into the family's established schedule. And if they have any questions about living arrangements, they should feel free to ask.


(2)If you're ever invited to a formal reception, be sure to dress appropriately. Wear a coat and tie or a formal dress—not jeans and a T-shirt. The host may provide a buffet of fruits, sandwiches, cheeses and desserts. If so, help yourself to a sampling of what's available. But don’t touch food you don't take. And by all means, don't dip your vegetable or fruit in the sauce again after you've taken a bite! As you nibble on the delicious treats, you can mingle with the other guests.


