2008年5月26日 星期一

Late to school!

  真難以相信,上大學三年級第一次睡過頭,醒來時已經是八點半了還不打緊,乍看之下還以為是時鐘壞了==幸好姑姑運動回來幫我把早餐打包,還借我腳踏車騎,真是有雪中送炭的感覺。難道真的是體力衰退,禁不起考驗了嗎?感冒差一週滿兩個月,明明就是氣正旺的青春年代,更別提昨晚也是睡過頭,到台北車站才下車...為了以防萬一,這週厲行十一點以前就寢,不吃冰冷辛辣炸的食物,也不體力透支(SORRY FOR FRIDAY'S BADMINTON)要有健康的體魄才能迎戰期末考,然後神采奕奕地去京都呦!


3 則留言:

  1. You are so active. from your articles I can judge you must have a well self- discipline. I admire you have a thoughtful aunt taking care of you while outsite. Taht is
    the dream that never happen to me.

    take care of you health more!

    Austin Chien

  2. Dear Austin,

    I believe those who has no one to depend on tend to be more independent and more capable!
    Glad to see you in the restaurant, and keep working for your dreams, it will come true!

  3. You are right. Those who are competence cause of their special background as you mentioned, and they can bear something that others can't. You are so mature. When I was at your age, I didn't know how to plan for my future and I think you do.

    Glad to see you at the restaurant as well. Expect to see you next time.

    Good luck to you, too.
