2008年5月31日 星期六

The Warm Friday Night!

  昨晚是難以忘懷的一晚,和朋友有約,結果又突然下起了傾盆大雨,偏偏我鍾愛的傘是如此的小...本來以為會錯過Tina&Harry精彩的演講,幸好趕上了!溫馨的一晚,有著前所未有的感性,想到他們要離開社團總有不捨,但也算劃下完美句點。一個是讓我佩服、用字精準的Harry,一個是幽默、肢體語言豐富的Tina,那特別的演講方式真令人永生難忘,沒想到C10可以讓人如此動容,在和大家握手擁抱的瞬間,真是感動得無以復加呀!這就是TM的魅力,大家除了英文以外,還可以交到好多擁有美好特質的朋友呢!I love it!


Last night was one of the warmest night I've experienced! Yes, without TM, I don't know how to spend my Friday night(maybe go to Legacy TM XD); without TM, I won't have chance to go hiking, teaching world geography and culture in elementary school; without TM, I won't know how nice you are and how splendid you are! To be frank, you're all my models! Ivy's sincerity, Lisa's cheerful smile, Ernest's advice, Elaine's ambition, Tina's humor, Henry's passion, Eleanor's courage, Antares's knowledge, Angel's patience, David's charistma, etc. All of your personalities and features are so precious and worth learning!
Kind of sad that Tina & Harry are leaving, however, the memory is forever!Also wish all of our friendship last for good.


1 則留言:

  1. I feel the same as you, when reading this article. Four days ago, it was the last meeting of NCCU TM. That was quite special than normal meeting, I saw our presidents made speech in Nccu for the first time and that was her C10 speech. And our special program make me impressed most in this semester, since everybody got the a special gift that he/she should get. I took a lots of photos. If you have time, you can enjoy them. On the top of good points you mentioned, my photograph skills were improved through learning in this semester.
