2009年4月11日 星期六

求職策略 中英對照

Job Searching Strategies(3)

(1)Miranda: So you go on their websites to see if they’re looking for people?
Laurie: If they have what I’m interested in, I sent out my resume.
Ian: You send your resume to “targeted” companies just like that?

(2)Miranda: What about experience? Most companies require work experience. Do any companies ever call a person without experience?
Laurie: Why count yourself out before the potential employers do? Though it is unpredictable whether they’ll call, it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot.

(3)Christy: What about posting your resume on those job-search websites?
Laurie: You should do that too. The more chances people have of seeing your resume, the better the chance you have in scoring a job. However, don’t just passively wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door. You need to invest time and effort in going after the job you want. In other words, it’s better to be the chooser than the chosen.(to be continued.)

求職策略 3




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