2009年4月25日 星期六

English learning-86


summit (n) 高峰會
gather (v) 聚集
recession (n) 經濟的衰退;經濟蕭條
substance (n) 實質;物質 *文中是指實質的或是具體的方案或幫助
tackle (v) 處理、解決、對付(問題、困難)
somber (a) 嚴峻的;陰暗的
assessment (n) 預估;評量
bilaterally; multilaterally (ad) 雙邊的;多邊的
fiscal-stimulus program (n) 經濟振興計畫
joint action (n) 聯合性的行動

Words and Phrases in Use

vary widely (v.phr) 差異性很大

Different cultures vary widely in parenting.
C:Diffenren families vary widely in parenting,value, too.

vent sth (anger, frustration, hatred, etc) on sb. (v.phr) 對人發洩不滿的、負面的情緒

“I know you’re frustrated, but please don’t vent your anger on me.”

get fed up with (v.phr) 對…感到厭煩;受夠了. . .

“To tell you the truth, I am quite fed up with your constant complaints.”
C:Sometimes I really feel I'm fed up with piles of text books. But to think it in the long run, it's not that irritated.

make-or-break (a) 非成即敗的

Most political critics consider this to be the president’s make-or-break move for his career.
C:In university, there's no make-or-break decision. As long as we have healthy body, we can try to pursue our dreams.

fall apart (v. phr) 分崩離析;(計畫)失敗

Their marriage fell apart when the youngest child left home for college.
C:Without through communications between the young lovers, their love fell apart in one month.

end up in (v. phr) 以 . . . 作為結果

Many people will end up in serious debt as a result of a second mortgage.
C:If we don't start to make friends and care them, we will end up in living an indifferent and lonely life.

cynical (~about) (a) 對. . . 感到憤世嫉俗;悲觀的

Since he was unexpectedly laid off last month, he has become cynical about the world.
C:Since I read the book my IR teacher suggested, I feel kind of cynical about the world, too. But with hope and continuous effort, I still believe we can overcome this crisis-no matter financial or enviromental ones, and live peacefully with nature.
